
Showing posts from January, 2011
Laura Arual is a teacher who thinks report cards are bogus.
Laura Arual will now act like she is the teacher.
Laura Arual does not regret conducting her experiment this afternoon, but she still is without answers.
Laura Arual greets the person in Brazil who has had 8 page views of Un-facebook.
Laura Arual has a new purse.
Laura Arual is bribing herself - a shiny new purse if there is no bad behaviour on her part.
Laura Arual may have been inspired.
Laura Arual thought she ran into Mr. Tinkleton on Charlotte St and her whole body went "ewwwwwwwww.... awkward."
Laura Arual had planned for tomorrow's party to be subtitled "Fuck you, she doesn't miss you anymore." Guess she needs a new subtitle.
Laura Arual has not acknowledged his birthday. She guesses feeling this lousy is a small price to pay for setting boundaries and acquiring distance.
Laura Arual will try to rein in her inner bitch today.
Laura Arual had the kind of day where she used to stop for a hug on the way home.
Laura Arual sits in her classroom without any desire to be here or to fulfill teacher obligations.
Laura Arual tries to rebuild but she's a little unclear on the design.
Laura Arual felt sorry for her boss today. shhh... don't tell anyone.
Laura Arual still regrets extending the invitation... she invited the wrong person. Too bad the person that she wanted to invite is gone.
Laura Arual applaudes her one official unfacebook follower, and thanks her regular reader.
Laura AruaL had a WTF moment and now regrets extending the invitation.
Laura Arual attempts to pull out onto the digital highway, but she's never been a skilled map reader or a confident driver.
Laura Arual used to be bothered when people called them ``friends with benefits.`Now they are not friends and they are without benefits. That bothers her more.
Laura Arual refuses to allow her mind to have unsettling dreams tonight.
Laura Arual does not look forward to talking about her feelings tonight.
Laura Arual lost track of how many moments she found herself missing him today. Damn free will that doesn't always allow her to control what her mind thinks.
Laura Arual is going to be as mean as she wants to be.
Laura Arual thinks some people need to remove the pickle from their ass.... she is not one of them today.
Laura Arual totally had her day made by finding a chocolate bar in her desk... definitely worthy of an UFB status update.
Laura Arual is now on her artist's way... or at least standing at the start of the path peering around the corner.
Laura Arual is irritated by the inane comments posted by clueless people on her FB status update: "stated the obvious toight, I'm not really into change so this is difficult" and appreciated that her friend did not laugh."
Laura Arual knows she won't disappoint the many people not reading unfacebook by not having a clever status update this afternoon.
Laura Arual is glad that she is not a princess.
Laura Arual did not expect that, and must remind herself he merely gave her a ride home from work because she was shivering at the side of the road.
Laura Arual is enjoying her sick day so much, it's even worth the ear infection.
Laura Arual passes another sleepless night thinking things better left unthought.
Laura Arual is pissed that she may have made supply plans for nothing.
Laura Arual thinks digital invitations will be perfectly acceptable for the shower to acknowledge unicorns skating on the frozen ponds of hell.
Laura Arual was very nice today to two not so nice people.
Laura Arual has had a day that wasn't completely awful.
Laura Arual must remember that truth is not to be confused with reality, except for when what is true really happened.
Laura Arual will try over breakfast to tell another friend about what happened. Once everyone knows does that mean she must believe it?
Laura Arual sees that the stats counter says 70 people have viewed this, and wonders how many of them paused to read before clicking "next blog."
Laura Arual was stupid and allowed herself to be seduced by the beautiful monster that is hope.
Laura Arual was the star of "Zombie-Teacher" today, thanks to yet another sleepless night.
Laura Arual lacked needed distractions. He said he doesn't want to drag anyone else down with him.
Laura Arual resisted the urge to call him... distractions, distractions.
Laura Arual has learned that they just don't understand no matter what they say.
Laura Arual has learned that there is UNFACEBOOK at KPR.
Laura Arual is indifferent about her return to work today... somehow it just seems insignificant.
Laura Aural must remember that it is ok and a sign of stregnth to cry. If that is the truth, than she must be Superman strong today.
Laura Aural reluctantly leaves the apartment to go and talk about feelings she would rather remain buried.
Laura Aural has woken up to her reality.
Laura Aural had thought she was done crying for the night... wrong.
Laura Aural remembered that she forgot to tell him how much she loves him.
Laura Aural never thought it would end like this because she never really thought about it ending.
Laura Aural has just realized what she has done... there doesn't seem to be enough oxygen.
Laura Aural has regained her apartment keys, but lost her love, her best friend, her secret weapon and her safe place. Yay for standing up for herself.
Laura Aural doesn't want to get out of bed today.
Laura Aural might have had a 59 minute conversation...but she's unsure if it was a positive conversation.
Laura Aural took control of the situation and got her fucking light bulbs changed without him.
Laura Aural doesn't know why she bothers... she can't do anything right.
Laura Aural is sad.
Laura Aural misses him more than she wants to admit.
Laura Arual is now without any working overhead light fixtures.
Laura Arual thinks her apology was not accepted.
Laura Arual began, but will not end, 2011 alone.
Laura Arual longs to stumble upon a blog not written by a Christian housewife extolling the virtues of God and breeding.
Laura Arual will now tell the truth.... maybe.