
Showing posts from February, 2012
Laura Arual apologizes for hurting your pride.
Laura Arual knows this isn't going to be easy, but it is worth the work.
Laura Arual was told today that she doesn't need a grocery trundle cart because she has a boyfriend.
Laura Arual still sees what you wrote on her arm, and she smiles through blurry tears. Thank you.
Laura Arual marvels a little bit more everyday.
Laura Arual learned that relying on other people is okay when they are the right people.
Laura Arual is simultaneously cranky and content.
Laura Arual appreciates that she was the recipient of a little romance yesterday. Thinking about it today made her smile, and thus this February 15 was not among the worst days in her personal history.
Laura Arual used to think she needed to be alone all the time, now she thinks she just hadn't found the right person to alone with.
Laura Arual finds the space that she asked for is rather lonely after two hours.
Laura Arual is sleepy but very happy.
Laura Arual has a pretty good feeling that this February might be the one that finally banishes February ghosts. 
Laura Arual reminds herself that sharp words in the middle of the night don't need to mean it's over.