
Showing posts from December, 2011
Laura Arual vowed on January 2nd thatwhile she began 2011 alone she would not end it alone. She made good on that vow.
Laura Arual does not know if she will ever get used to feeling this good.
Laura Arual maintains awesomeness. Thank you. A small part is sad that she has no relationship with her sister, but she acknowledges that she has so many others.
Laura Arual's night was exactly as she had expected and that is ok. If all she has is one aloof sister, and the rest of her life maintains its current level of awesomeness she won't complain.
Laura Arual will see her sister for the first time tonight in 8 months and she doesn't expect it to be anything but flat and unsatisfying. Curiously, she is okay with that.
Laura Arual says thank you. Whatever happens from here on in, she had this weekend. Is it really supposed to be this easy and natural?
Laura Arual is not proud of her needy moments.
Laura Arual admits that she is both nervous and excited.
Laura Arual is pissed at fb friends who befriend you just to show off.
Laura Arual thinks that the universe is laughing at her. Everything else is so wonderful, why does this have to be so difficult.
Laura Arual is scared that she could get used to being this happy.
Laura Arual did up her own necklace on the first try.... a small but significant sign that she is moving forward in her life.
Laura Arual wants to know if she can trust her feelings.
Laura Arual realizes that while you have only been gone 9 minutes, she misses you. Weird, because she rarely misses anyone.
Laura Arual likes the sound of his voice. This could make things complicated.
Laura Arual hurt the one person tonight who she never meant to hurt. She's sorry, but she needs to take responsibility for her own happiness.