
Showing posts from February, 2011
Laura Arual wants to rule the world so she can pass a law forbidding idiots from having children.
Laura Aural resolves not to lose interest or focus.
Laura Arual welcomes the almost-opened orchid bloom.
Laura Aural might actually have to make some tough decisions, but she's not sure where to start.
Laura Arual says good riddance to a shit-storm of a week.
Laura Arual can not put it any more plainly: Don't try to blame her for your lousy parenting. Leave her the fuck alone and let her do her job to the best that she can with the messed up spoilled little kid that you have sent her. Please quit wasting her time, and allow her to teach the 21 other children in the room who want to learn despite their own many barriers.
Laura Arual had thought she was done feeling this way, but she is determined to not let it ruin her day.
Laura Arual wears pink today, but wonders how much good it really does. "Bullying" is an overused word that has lost its meaning, and the real victims remain unaided.
Laura Aural is pissed that blogspot ate three weeks of "The Good Things."
Laura Aural realizes that sometimes she misses him even when she doesn't realize that she does.
Laura Arual introduces her new page: "The Cult of the Bride." This is a space for her to reflect on, and possiblly rant about, her involuntary inclusion in an up-coming wedding.
Laura Arual says there's no place like home.
Laura Aural isn't all that upset that she missed the 4:13 bus... sadly, she will still be on the 6:13.
Laura Aural packs and practices her happiness face in preparation for an event she does not want to attend and for which she can not feel happiness.
Laura Aural has discovered that, yes, some people are that shallow. She didn't think her sister was one of them.
Laura Aural forgives herself.... February 15th, the day of forgiveness.
Laura Aural is having a much better day than she had thought she would. .... the most ordinary February 15th in years, and she likes it.
Laura Aural must keep herself together until the next appointment March 3... if the next 3 weeks are like today, it might be doable.
Laura Arual is pleasantly surprised by how much today has not sucked.
Laura Arual hates the sound of children's voices in the hallway at lunch. Other times it's an okay sound.
Laura Arual thought she had it all figured out... wrong.
Laura Aural and her thoughts are having an okay night with each other.
Laura Arual needs to spend some quality time with her thoughts this weekend.
Laura Aural is pretty sure that this could have been a pretty big mistake. Or maybe not.
Laura Arual is grumpy because her time is being compromised by other people's stupid demands.
Laura Arual is trapped in a world that is being over run by fart-knockers.  Yes, it is that kind of day.
Laura Arual wonders if anyone else celebrated "tension in the workplace" tuesdays. It sure was a fun day.
Laura Aural is just really tired of fighting.
Laura Arual wishes she could write what she truly believes on your child's report card, but she'd probably be fired so she will hide in polite modifiers and edubabble.
Laura Arual is so stoked to see that Un-facebook has another follower (grand total 3) that she must update on her prep period at work.
Laura Arual appreciates the encouragement.
Laura Aural is having the kind of grey and cold afternoon where it is difficult to stop thinking things that shouldn't be thought.
Laura Arual thinks that when teachers go to hell they spend all of eternity writing report cards and IEPs.
Laura Arual cautiously considers the notion that if two of her orchids can have new growth from seemingly dead blooms stalks, perhaps there is hope for her. Maybe.
Laura Araul is embarrassed by colleagues who will never grow up.  Our job is hard enough without assholes.
Laura Arual found her sketchbook and is now contentedly smeared with pastels, sharpie and a few tears.
Laura Arual lost her own optimism but found kindness from other people today.
Laura Araul now realizes that what seemed like a good idea at the time, actually wasn't.
Laura Araul doesn't always do what she is supposed to... and she is not supposed to miss him anymore.
Laura Arual introduces her new page: "My thoughts on... AKA  Dirty Secrets." This is a space for longer musings about various topics. Procrastination - her first dirty secret. 
Laura Arual loves snow days... one kid in class who is content to sit and read all day. Now she can tackle report cards, wait, maybe she doesn't love snow days as much as she thought she does.
Laura Arual sits at her table, coffee next to her, pondering how to make playing hooky from life count.
Laura Arual resolves to work hard to possibly have the first February in years that doesn't suck.