
Showing posts from July, 2011
Laura Arual realized this afternoon that she was actually be happy.
Laura Arual attempts to process the many things that have happened in such a short period of time. All good, but still much to think about, without over-thinking.
Laura Arual had a fantastic time playing closet dress-up with Krista, but she is unsure if her wardrobe really requires more colour.
Laura Arual thinks for the first time in a long time that men might be fun.
Laura Arual had a night of truth-telling and it was okay.
Laura Arual is not in the mood to write, but will not allow herself to move from this computer and her Word Perfect screen for the next 35 minutes. The visit home was great but she lost the routine..
Laura Arual would apologize for her bitchy mouth, but you clearly aren't listening.
Laura Arual is not anxious to return to her reality-life... could that mean she is enjoying her time at her parents?
Laura Arual told the almost truth and it was not entirely unpleasant. She will not be in attendance at the wedding monstrousity part 2 in August .
Laura Arual tried to say good-bye but you weren't listening.
Laura Arual wishes that crazy people had indictator to show if they're still crazy, sort of like when the tab pops out of the turkey because it's done roasting. This should be an interesting coffee date.
Laura Arual wonders who in the Netherlands has viewed Off-facebook nineteen times. She almost feels like she should apologize for how boring and uninformative this space is.
Laura Arual still thinks that you are a jerk and she hopes that you are miserable.
Laura Arual thinks people who break promises are cowardly assholes who deserve every bad thing that happens to them. She doesn't care that she is ranting like a 15 year old girl - she is that angry.
Laura Arual talked about her feelings tonight, but does not think that she talked about the right ones.
Laura Arual must amend her status update: she screwed up the time and will not be talking about her feelings tonight.
Laura Arual prepares to go and talk about her feelings with a stranger. She does not want to tell the whole complete complicated story, but doesn't know where to begin without doing so. Mental health care providers should not be allowed to take off extended periods of time.
Laura Arual is stuck on a fictional sticking point. What happened between 11:05 and 12:15?
Laura Arual is lost in a world of fiction, and so she missed updating on Wednesday. She will try harder to comment and reflect on a reality that she really doesn`t want to be part of.
Laura Arual agrees with you and you agree with her. So why the hell are you both still arguing?
Laura Arual walked by what is now just a building of commercial space soon to be for lease, but it once contained so much more. Change is not good. Don't bother to tell her otherwise.
Laura Arual now gets down to the business end of things - character profiles.
Laura Arual continues to put her house in order - literally and figuratively.
Laura Arual might actually be successfully writing fiction. Shhhh... don't tell anyone or it'll be jinxed.
Laura Arual was asked to provide an alter-ego name today in her writing course and couldn't. Is that because she lacks sense of self or because her sense of self is so large that a name is not needed.
Laura Arual has decided that the best part of this writing course is when the instructor stopped blabbing and just lets her write.
Laura Arual did what she was told and it was almost okay.
Laura Arual concedes that some things and some people, even if they are only in her mind, are stronger than she is. Welcome back Sissy and Anna.... you win.
Laura Arual is at Art school trying to create new characters and ignore that she is hungry.
Laura Arual packs and ponders if a change of scenery will really bring that much-promised change of perspective.
Laura Arual wonders if it's still considered an anniversary after two people break up, and if so, what the proper acknowledgement/celebration protocol is.
Laura Arual will work very hard to ensure that the drabness of today does not set a precedent for the rest of the summer.