
Showing posts from May, 2012
Laura Arual sat in the silence of her livingroom, reflected on her life of the last six months and realized that she has the kind of love, kindness and contentment that she had never dreamed possible.
Laura Arual recognizes that professional fulfillment is not the only kind.
Laura Arual needs someone to pinch her that this incredible adventure is actually her life now.
Laura Arual remembers when she had to ask him if she was his girlfriend. Silly girl.
Laura Arual reminds herself that her coworkers aren't intentionally mean... Just thoughtless and self absorbed.
Laura Arual had one of the best long weekends in years. Thank you so much.
Laura Arual recognizes that this is real and that gives her a sense of deep calm and deep exhilaration.
Laura Arual did not like that she had the capability to cause that much anger in him.
Laura Arual hurt feelings and now something is broken that she doesn't know how to fix.
Laura Arual does not like how money complicates things.
Laura Arual will go to bed with a smile on her face.
Laura Arual had a phone call tonight that made her appreciate that she never has to go back to those places.
Laura Arual had a very nice International Teacher Skip day yesterday. IPhone updating prevented her from updating before bed.
Laura Arual struggles to overcome her fear of jinxing by stating, "I have never known such love before."
Laura Arual loves him for his insistence that they talk things through. She is in one of those relationships where they might never go to bed angry.