
Showing posts from June, 2012
Laura Arual apologizes for having hurt your feelings.
Laura Arual can't remember life ever being this much fun.
Laura Arual is still a little sad over the ending of one of life's opportunities, but excited for the many new ones ahead.
Laura Arual wants the waiting to be over.
Laura Arual discovered tonight that life's disappointments are so much easier to handle when with someone else. She has never felt so cared for.
Laura Arual has the certain feeling.
Laura Arual is both excited and terrified. Also very very sleepy.
Laura Arual warms up to the idea that she is an us who plans on buying a house together.
Laura Arual thinks that so many good things are happening so quickly.
Laura Arual was the recipient of a little bit of the goodness in the world. Excited for new opportunities.
Laura Arual is excited for the change.
Laura Araual is excited by the new opportunities and wonders if next year's classroom will have a sink.
Laura Arual had the best report card writing weekend ever. Marking essays with someone else at the kitchen table made for much laughing.
Laura Arual is going to bed ever so content tonight for no particular reason. Pair bonding when it works is a beautiful thing.
Laura Arual wonders if the universe is mocking her.