Laura Arual thanks Gretchen for reminding her not to keep score. He does not keep score.
Showing posts from December, 2012
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I began this blog almost two years ago. Two years ago next week. I wanted to escape from the real world, interact with the cyber world. I was tired of posting what I felt I should post on Facebook, instead of posting what I felt on Facebook. Still, the urge to self censor won out here, and I was not as honest as I could have been. I feared my real world and my cyber world colliding. That rarely happened. I designed and deleted pages... Although it was bitter and caustic, sometimes I wish I had kept the work from the cult of the bride. The influence of the happiness project was very much there on some pages. I owe Gretchen Rubin way more than the cost of a book. I want to reread the first one again. Keeping it as "off-Facebook" was restricting after the summer. I needed it to reflect who I was becoming. "On Neptune" seemed to allow for that, but I do like the one line posts, so I couldn't bring myself to give up the "off Facebook." I haven't impos...
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Christmas Day in the morning when I open my eyes. Lying in my own bed, in my own house, next to my own man. The love of my life. A first ever. Not the spinsterish daughter, the oddball older sister in a spare room. Me in my own house with my own man. His snores the gentle melody I fall asleep to. Not taking time out of my life to go play a part. Not leaving my life in Peterborough or pressing pause on it. All parts integrated, coming together in one. No secrets. No half truths I tell them, I try to tell myself. That openness is the best gift. J never gave me that, few other gifts, but especially that. Chris gives me so much. I again marvel at the changes in one year to my life.
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I ruin everything. I have ruined Christmas by impugning his character. Twice in twenty four hours. His words. Not mine. But true. No defence for myself. Classic Laura. It's what I do. Countless times with J. And now with him, only the other would not have known the word impugn, Today I just wanted to thank him for everything, my beautiful jewelry, our beautiful life. All of it. I wanted to set the scene, take charge, give him the gifts he gives me. I fucked it up. Cuz that is what I do. Time and time again. I don't know what the correct gifts are. Now he is mad at me and his parents arrive in less then two hours to kick off 6 days of family. I needed us to connect, to be in sync and we are not cuz I ruined it. I am so full of shame and angry at myself that I can't even look at him, I want to spare him the sight of me.
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I reread most of 2011 and 2012 last night. Posting has dropped off considerably in the last few months. Writing too. But I put writing on my iPad and have started playing with it again. I'm a little sad that the posting has dropped because it is such a good way to chart how I'm feeling and it recorded so many of the milestones. The 2011 posts were a lot edgier, sharper and plainly, funnier. But sadder. Lonelier. The 2012 ones are kind of nauseating in how happy they are- the unhappy ones jump out all the more because they are so few. It is plain to see that I have no idea why I have all of this - a theme I return to over and over. And gratitude- if I am expressing it well enough. Gratitude for Chris and the pets and the house and his career and mine and our health -both physical and emotional. Good god, I can't think of a single thing I want or need. I need to start posting more and less cryptically - it is pretty clear that no one reads this, so I can drop the wri...