Stewart street. Charlotte street. Kingston. Pearl avenue. somewhere in Toronto, two addresses. Charlotte st. Charlotte st. Neptune street. Nine known addresses. Seven of those addresses with me. And, many, many trips back and forth in a cat carrier. Me and my Ella-Cat. The little stray that showed up on my doorstep. Or maybe I stole her from someone, though I still don't think she matched the description when the person called after seeing my found poster. I still can't believe she was sick. Is sick. Not sure of verb tense. Supply plans to be made for Wednesday. I will have to hold my cat when they put her down. No one else can do it. Just me. Not Chris. It has to be me. And a thousand sorries. I am not a vet. I did not know she was sick. I thought she was old. Old like me, but in a cat way. I grew up in the country, I have never had an old cat before. I did not know what to look for. Now I do. Too late. Truly hope that the other cats are not sick. Nor the dog. E...