Laura Arual has updated the page "The Cult of the Bride" to examine why we give congratulations and parties to people getting married.


  1. I see what you mean about all the parties - it does seem a bit excessive especially if gifts are expected. But I think it's about more than celebrating a couple's ability to tolerate each other. It's about gathering goodwill and support, and celebrating the manic sort of love that propels people into marriage. It's about building a supportive community that the couple can rely on if love devolves into mere tolerance or worse. That being said, there is no need in this day and age to throw a bridal shower, especially when the couple already have a household. Just my opinion.

  2. "Good will and support?" Yes, I understand that and can think of a dozen other unions for which I muster up lots of goodwill and support. I am all for manic love. I just have trouble supporting this particular union when the bride can't hear her own common sense over the roar of her ticking biological clock.

  3. Agreed that in this particular union that's the case. But speaking in generalities I think the whole party circuit has a social function.


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