Laura Arual seeks advice: she was notified by email that the wedding gift that she sent to her sister has been returned to the on-line vendor. She emailed her sister two weeks ago wondering if it had been received. So, reconfirm the gift shipping address or does anyone want a sweet squirrel-proof bird feeder?
Laura Aural has discovered that, yes, some people are that shallow. She didn't think her sister was one of them.
send it back to her for Christmas. Yes, she really is that St . . . . Poor you.
haha Meg! I wish I had thought of that. In the end, proper manners dictated, and I had it reshipped to her. Yes, I have a sister who let a parcel sit at the post office for a month because she was too busy to pick it up. My friend whose son was a preemie and is now a month old told me she had time to go to the post office. my sister has a puppy... I guess puppies are more work than babies who are 5 weeks early.