I doubt that your writing is really disappointing, it takes a lot of inadequate writing to get to the real stuff you are trying to say. I used to do a column in a small rural paper, I would send a few and think, "I'll bet they'll run this on.", but they hardly ever did, it was always the one that was last minute and to the point. Who knew???
Laura Arual ran into one of the students who will always stay with her.... five years later and she still thinks he is one of the saddest kids she has ever met. It pisses her off that no matter how much you try, sometimes all you can give them is kindness and not opportunity.
I doubt that your writing is really disappointing, it takes a lot of inadequate writing to get to the real stuff you are trying to say. I used to do a column in a small rural paper, I would send a few and think, "I'll bet they'll run this on.", but they hardly ever did, it was always the one that was last minute and to the point. Who knew???