
Showing posts from April, 2011
Laura Arual thanks the two people who read Off-facebook regularly, and promises them she will try to post something interesting by tonight. Looking at some of the really developed blogs on-line is a little overwhelming.
Laura Arual will skip real life tomorrow  because she wants to.
Laura Arual , like Shakesepeare who wondered if a rose by any other name would still smell as sweet, wonders if her newly married sister who has just changed her name is still the same person.
Laura Aural updates her page: "My thoughts on... AKA  Dirty Secrets." The title of today's post is "And they all lived happily ever after?"
Laura Arual has updated the page "The Cult of the Bride" where she plans her own un-Destination Wedding.
Laura Arual eats a piece of homemade fried chicken and updates Off-facebook while her dinner guest takes a nap. Strange Easter dinner?
Laura Arual had her cyber-spring cleaning interrupted by odd late night adventures. Who knew a smalltown on Lake Ontario had so many empty store fronts for lease?
Laura Arual will now do some cyber spring cleaning and rearranging. Off-facebook was never intended to become the whiny dump that it has become.
Laura Arual is tired of reading crap books and wishes that she could just write her own fiction.
Laura Arual wonders if it still counts as the Easter bunny if she buys her own loot.
Laura Arual thinks that some people need to get over themselves and grow up.
Laura Arual experiences a lull in birthday fun and needs to plan something.
Laura Arual is relieved that a skilled and professional seamstress examined the fugly cupcake wedding dress, proclaimed it poorly constructed, the wrong cut for her cute mutant body, and the colour unflattering. It really was the dress, not her. Thank God.
Laura Arual fears she looks older when she looked at herself in the mirror today.
Laura Arual had a much better Sunday than Saturday, no particular reason why.
Laura Arual is having the kind of day where her mood matches the weather - grey. She can't stop thinking about how men are jerks and that her sister is a hurtful brat.
Laura Arual will remain in room 246 for another school year. Grade TBA.
Laura Arual acknowledges that today is the day that she lost the last shred of respect for the Twitchy Squirrel Monkey, aka her boss.
Laura Arual still can not figure out if she will be surplus from her school next year, and wonders if it would be too ballsy to ask administration in advance of the deadline so she does not have yet another long weekend ruined.
Laura Arual does not want to go to work tomorrow, but she wouldn't mind being a fly on the wall during what promises to be a spectacularly heinous staff meeting.
Laura Arual struggles with telling the truth.... say nothing and really seethe, tell a polite lie and seethe a little, or tell the truth and blow it all wide open. Families are complicated.
Laura Arual enjoyed this weekend a whole lot more than last weekend. heehee.
Laura Arual had the kind of day that makes her glad that she is who she is, has the friends who she has, and thinks the thoughts that she thinks. It's been awhile.
Laura Arual shares the best part of the trip to Mexico.... lots of time spent reading there.
Laura Arual finds being as big of a bitch that she must be today rather draining.
Laura Arual edited and completed the post "Laura Arual will now post status updates about the week given to the sibling's destination wedding." She is done with that post, and almost done thinking about the wedding.
Laura Arual reaped the benefits of having traveled to Mexico - a lazy day off from reality with one of her favourite people, but with a bit of traveler's stomach.
Laura Arual might be faced with the possibility of unwanted change, and surprisingly, the prospct does not totally suck.
Laura Arual might be boring, but she likes her every-day, non-vacation life.

Laura Arual will now post status updates about the week given to the sibling's destination wedding.

1) Laura Arual thinks her father should not be allowed to drive a vehicle in a large city. His belief that traffic road signs do not pertain to him is not endearing. (Sunday - hotel) 2)  Laura Arual is trapped in a hotel room with the parents willing them to shut off the bloody tv and go to bed before the 5am wake-up call. (Sunday - hotel) 3) Laura Arual hopes that at the age of almost 35 she is responsible enough to carry her own ticket and boarding pass. (Monday - airport) 4)  Laura Arual   loves her parents very much but right now her most fervent wish is for them to shut up. (Monday - airport) 5) Laura Arual reminds herself that a week today she will be again in her own life. Glorious.  (Monday) 6)  Laura Arual is stuck on a bus at the airport. She has decided that she doesn't like traveling.   (Monday) 7) Laura Arual may not like traveling, but she likes strawberry daquaris. (Monday) 8) Laura Arual is poolside and observing how you can ...
Laura Arual crossed off from her bucket list the following in March: going bowling and being a maid of honour. Bowling was enough fun  that she'd do it again. More status updates about the wedding to follow.